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Ever felt sorry for a Possum?

well last night I did...
Matt got back from a late night of riding and let Truck (our dog) out of the truck... Well it just so happened that the Possum that lives in our ivy was in our yard and far away from her protected ivy home...
Well needless to say our curios dog decided that she was a play toy and began to shake her back and forth... When suddenly Matt noticed all of these little things flying off of her...
He of course was yelling for Truck to stop but it wasn't until he got closer to get Truck away from the Possum that he noticed all the things flying off of her were her babies.

Long story short... Matt began to scoop up all the babies and put them in to a bucket... they were all making this cute little hissing noise... and honestly they were really cute! The Mom however looked to be pretty beat up. So Matt (knowing way more about Possums then I ever knew) put the Mom and all her babies in the bucket and drove them to an area where he could let them go. He said the Mom was probably playing dead or in shock and so he said if he took her somewhere and let her go with her babies she probably be fine...
Well apparently on his drive to let them go... He looked in his rear view mirror and saw the Mom walking on the tailgate of his truck...

He slowed down and sure enough she was fine... walking along with all her babies...
she hoped down from the truck and took of running.
Things I learned last night...
1: Baby Possums are very cute!
2: My Husband knows more then I think he does sometimes
3: Possums smell like trash... and so does our dog now. Yuck!

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