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My Day with Drew...

I am going to start this blog by saying if YOU or ANYONE you know is starting a photography business I would highly recommend scheduling a mentoring session with Drew Bittel! Any mentoring session is an investment but I can tell you that it's worth every penny.

Ok so now onto my Day with Drew... This past Friday I spent the entire afternoon/evening learning and learning and learning some more. I honestly didn't know my brain could take on so much information! We talked about everything... from marketing, editing and time management to pregnancy brain and how we both feel like we've lost some brain cells from having kids! ; )

A few hours and at least 3 or 4 cookies later it was time to start shooting... Erin & Scott were our beautiful couple; they have been married for 3 years and have a darling 7 month old baby girl. What made this couple so special though was the fact that Scott had been in Iraq the entire time Erin was pregnant and didn't meet his daughter until she was 4 days old. Wow right?!?! When I read the bio about Scott & Erin it warmed my heart to hear them sing each other's praises, Scott is a total romantic and Erin is so supportive. It was refreshing to meet people that truly love each other...

Another reason these two rock is because Erin had her mother ship her wedding dress all the way from New York just so she could do this shoot! How rad is that?!

And so without further adieu here are some of my favs from the shoot...

After the high school we headed out to an amazing field where the light was to die for!

and probably my most favorite shot of the day...

Pretty cool huh?!

Oh, and here is one Drew got of me in action!

I am so excited to start to make some improvements to my photography style and take all that I've learned from Drew and apply it to my business.
Expect some big things to start happening with the blog and soon, very soon, my website will be up, finally!

And now a personal Thank You to Drew...
Thank you for sharing with me all that you know. Thank you for giving me constructive criticism but still giving me supportive compliments. Thanks for reassuring me that no question was a stupid question. Thanks for having such yummy cookies! And Thanks for your inspirational talent, you are truly motivating and I'm grateful to have learned so much from such an amazing photographer!


DrewB said...

Your pictures look GREAT, Laycee! I'm so excited to see your business grow! You are so motivated and I love your confidence. You are going to do BIG things!

Molly Kate Photography said...

Thanks for the blog comment Laycee! I saw your web address so thought I would stop by. I love the pictures of the couple in the field. They are so romantic! I want to attend workshops =)