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20 Months and counting

My dear sweet little boy... You are getting bigger and better by the day! This past month was a little uneventful but you've more than made up for it in the last week (more on that next month)
So let me see... you are still talking more and more and learning tons of new words! You count all the way to 10 but not in order and you say you’re ABC’s through G but again not in order. You've learned a bunch of new animals and their sounds, but so far my favorite is when I ask you what a Snake says and you just simply stick out your tongue.
You now say please & thank you completely un-provoked!!! And I'll just say, as a mother, I feel I've accomplished greatness. Imagine how impressed I'll be when you get your first A, Pass your driver’s test, Graduate high school, and dare I say it... Get married! OH MAN! Let the tears begin... ; )

You absolutely LOVE to be outside and I think quite honestly you would be out there all day if I'd let you! Because you’ve been outside so much you’ve acquired a new BFF, "Trucker" our dog. Every night when you say your prayers you Thank God for him, it’s the sweetest thing. You love when he gives you kisses and you like to throw his ball to him. You also laugh super hard when he eats bubbles that we blow.
Also when your outside you look for "buggies" on the ground and when they disappear into the cracks you say "where they go?" It's so stinkin' cute I can't even stand it!

You do this new thing where you make an O with your mouth and it makes me laugh every time! I am trying to teach you to do fish face among other silly faces.

I think the word (or concept, rather) that I've been trying to teach you the most is "sharing"! You can say "sharrreee" all day long but I think you think that if you say it, it means you should get it. We’re still working on getting you to understand that sharing is caring. (Cheesy I know)

I am slightly sad to report that due to our hectic schedule this past month you've been watching a lot of T.V. So now you ask almost daily for a "show" and I'll be honest it kinda makes me sad... I took pride in the fact that you were a kid who didn't need to watch T.V. I can see you learning things from it though and so I guess a show every once in a while can't hurt!
Oh, something fun that happened... You felt your sissey move in Mommy's belly, I don't know if you quite understand all of that, but you smiled real big when you felt her kick you!

The thought of you being a big brother to our little Elle just warms my heart! I can't believe in four short months you will no longer be my baby boy! C-R-A-Z-Y!!!
Anyways my darling child... I'm enjoying every moment of you and can't wait to teach you more and more each day! I love your heart, I love your laugh, and I love your big grin when you know you’re being funny... I love everything that makes up your little soul and it's hard to believe I could love you more than I do RIGHT NOW!

I thank God everyday for giving me such an amazing little man!

Love Mom.

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