Here's how it works... Below you will find 7 different couples who's Weddings I was blessed enough to capture! The one with the most "votes" wins. You vote by leaving a comment stating your favorite couple and why. (please list the couples # in your comment)
Voting closes Thursday February 9th @ Midnight.
Rules: Please limit one vote per person.
No "anonymous" voting, each vote must have a couple's name/number listed.
Anyone can vote so feel free to forward on this link to family and friends.
Winner will be blogged Saturday February 11th.
Good luck and vote vote vote.
View more wedding photography at:
#1: Chronister Wedding
#2: Formby Wedding
#3: Hammond Wedding
#4: Parmenter Wedding
#5: McNulty Price Wedding
#6: White Wedding
#7: Lopez Wedding
Please limit one vote per person.
No "anonymous" voting, each vote must have a couple's name/number listed.
Anyone can vote so feel free to forward on this link to family and friends.
Happy Voting!
Hammond #3! :)
Hammonds #3 because he is the best husband I could ever ask for!!!! and he looks handsome in that tux ;)
Tough one cause I love Dan and Chels but I have to go with the Chronisters #1.
Lopez #7. My beautiful sister and her wonderful hubby!! :) Because I love them. <3
I vote for #4, Parmenter Wedding because not only do I LOVE us, but Laycee captured our TRUE happiness of the day!!! Thanks again Laycee!!!
-Kathy P.
In reviewing all of the pictures, I vote for couple #4. Seeing the way they are looking at one another, I feel a genuine love. No hamming it up for the photographer. The love looks natural, relaxed, easy. The photographer captured a "twinkle in the eye" for this young couple. The muted tones in shades of green, beige, and soft whites are very unique. This couple looks elegantly classic.***Pam C.
#4: Parmentar Wedding
It's clearly Kathy & Sean because you can SEE the love in that stunning photo.
I vote for #4. They look great! They are not phoney looking for the pictures. The photographer caught them at the right moment, this couple really looks in love!
#4-Parmenter Wedding:
Why? They are the sweetest, most in love couple I have ever seen! They are simply a fabulous couple.
Kayla White
What a great picture in #4!!! Great people on a very special day. The photographer captured the true love for one another!...Nick
I think that couple # 4, The Parmenters are a beautiful couple. You can really see the love they have for one another in this picture. I love the colors and the photographer got a really good glimpse inside the couples hearts.
#4 parmenter wedding!! simply beautiful!
#4 Parmenter Wedding.
lopez wedding! because they are such an amazing couple!! :D
Parmentar Wedding
#7 - Lopez
All of these photo's are amazing and Laycee is Extremely talented....but I'm going with #7/Lopez. It was the best day of my life!
Kristen Lopez :)
#4 Parmenter wedding... a natural shot of the love that they share with eachother on not just their wedding day, but everyday.
#4 Parmenter wedding... it captures a shot of a loving couple adoring eachother on their wedding day.
My vote has to be for the white wedding
But if I vote for number 2 do you think shed let me wear her dress.... So pretty!
#3 hammond wedding!!!!!! Why?? They are my best friends and their wedding was gorgeous! Their love for each other is beautiful and they look killer! :)
#7: Lopez Wedding
Great Picture couldnĀ“t bee there for the weeding but know i can see the Pictures of the weding of my cuz.
Miguel Athayde
Parmenter #4 - Most naturally, because you can see the love and happiness in their eyes. This is truly a match made in heaven for these two soul mates!!
I love the #4 Parmenter photo. The lighting in amazing and the picture comes across with such sincerity!
#7 Lopez. Cause her and Matt are awesome.
Lopez #7. Kristen is one of the most amazing people I have ever met! Her and her husband make the perfect couple, so they deserve an amazing gift like this! I love them! :)
#7 Lopez Wedding! Because these two people are simply amazing and beautiful!
#7 Lopez wedding-that was an amazing wedding!
#7 Lopez, because she's pretty much my favorite cousin.
#7 Lopez, because they're wonderful people, and because my son would love to see a big canvas picture of Aunt Kristen and Uncle "Mott" :)
#4 is my favorite because Sean and Kathy look so happy and in love!! :) Good luck guys!
#7 / Lopez
Because they're Awesome!
Caroline Mucino
My vote goes for #7-Lopez because they are my son and daughter and, yes, they are awesome and the best kids anyone could ever hope for!!!
My vote goes to my awesome son and daughter ! Their wedding day was an awesome event and deserves to be remembered by a beautiful portrait.
Parmenter #4 bc you captured their happiness. Nice work!
My vote goes to #7 because Matt & Kristen are wonderful people & deserve to win!
#7 Lopez
I absolutely love this photo!!
- Elysa M
Parmenter, definitely. It's a stolen moment perfectly captured.
#7 Lopez
Wow. What a couple and what a picture. Is it possible to become overwhelmed with emotion just from a picture? I have the answer....YES.
I vote for #4 Parmenter wedding. The way the couple is looking at eachother I priceless! Beautiful shot!!!
Parmenter #4 - they are a gorgeous couple and you can see how happy they are in these photographs. Also love that fresh green accent color they used - perfect for so many reasons.
#4- Parmenter. Because the photo is great even though their name is spelled wrong.
Even if she weren't my niece, I'd still vote for #4, the Parmenters. I think it's the most natural photo, they seem to be the happiest couple.
Parmenter #4. The photographer captured a personal moment showing a look of such love between this couple. It's a beautiful wedding photo!
#4: Parmentar Wedding
even if I totally didn't want them to win also, I agree it it the best photo, esp. for canvas! :)
I hope you win!!
#4 Parmenter Wedding, because they have the nicest color combo.
#7 Lopez wedding! Yay! Because my wife looks gorgeous!
#1 Chronister Wedding!!!! Because I love my handsome husband!
Chronister #1 : They deserve it!! :)
#4 Parmenter!
Number 7 The Lopez rock!
#4 Parmenter!
#4 Parmenter because the photographer made them both look amazing...which may have been an easy job with Kathy but was probably very tough to do with Sean! Great picture!
I definitely cast my vote for #4, that very lovely Parmenter couple! Kathy is one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen and her dress was stunning! Such a full-of-love photo of the happy couple!
Laycee: The Lovely Lopez couple, Listed as Lucky number 7. All these photos are beautiful, and I wish they each got a print!
Parmentar #4!!!
I vote for #4 Parmenter wedding
I like how the pose is informal which matches the mood of the wedding.
#4 Parmenter. Beautiful photo, beautiful people with a beautiful future.
I vote for couple #4, Kathy and Sean Parmenter! The look in their eyes says it all! Great picture!
#3: Hammond Wedding
The contrast of the red carpet and chairs against her dress makes her look like a queen.
The pose is subtle and elegant.
Lucky # 7....... Marriage is a wonderful thing, the portrait would look great in your living room you too!
#4 Parmenters. Thanks.
I vote for #4 Parmenter wedding. There's a sense of closeness between the Bride and Groom in this photo, which captures a look of true love in their eyes. The intimacy of the natural setting, with its colors of green and gold, highlight the close connection they must surely be feeling for one another.
#4 Parmenter Wedding! They are obviously the best and only choice for any upstanding and thoughtful person who happens to inhabit planet Earth. Martians may prefer some of the others but I only speak for planet Earth.
Parmenter #4
Good luck Guys!
#4 Parmenter Couple
#4 Parmenter Wedding
#4: Parmenter Wedding... These two bright and loving souls shared SO much joy with us on their wedding day... Kathy & Sean All the Way!!!
#4 Parmenter for sure, their non traditional colors pop off the page!!
Brent Fite
This is Mel Pickett. My votes for #7 Lopez. That couple looks clean!!
This is Mel. I vote for #7 Lopez. They look clean in that shot.
#4 - Beautiful Sean and Kathy!!
#4 Parmenter wedding- They look like they care more about each other than the camera, and the lighting doesn't hurt either =)
I think that the Parmenter couple, #4 looks most in love and the photographer captured this at the perfect time. Great picture of a great couple.
#7 Lopez of course. They are the coolest people on Earth. And if you don't vote for them, you are a communist. Ha ha
#4 Parmenter couple! Great looking couple, great colors, the look at one another, the lighting, overall best photo. Good Luck Parmenters!
What does a couple who is truly in love look like? Take a look at #4, the Parmenters. That is my vote. The photographer captured their love for eachother. Not just on the wedding day but always.
#7 the Lopez's are the best!
#7 The Lopez's because it's just the best!
I vote for #4 Parmenter wedding, they really look like they're in love.
Heather G.
# 4 Parmenter. They look happy.
#4 Parmenter
Parmenter #4. They look great!
I like #4 Parmenter.
# 4 Parmenter
Couple #5
#4 Parmenter Wedding
Lopez #7 because the wedding was AMAZING and we love them
#4 Parmeter Wedding! Sean & Kathy look so in love and you see all the details of their flowers, hair, and facial expressions... Simply a beauiful couple!
#4 Parmenter - You can see the love and happiness radiating in the way they look at each other. Also - the green touches (background, flowers, etc.) make the whole scene look vibrantly alive.
#4 Parmenter wedding: Love, harmony, commitment, happiness - it's all there.
All are great, but my vote goes to #4: Parmenter Wedding. Carolina A.
#7 Lopez - Cause I ain't no communists, and they are my good friends.
Matthew and Kat are voting for #7
Lopez #7 They look like a couple in love.
I vote for number 4. It is a beautiful picture.
Even though I AM Mr. McNulty Price and my gorgeous wife and I are #1 in the love department, our pic is kinda poser-ish, so Ima vote #2, because they don't have a vote yet and I think that picture would look great on their house. Good luck to all the beautiful couples! Go marriage!
#7 Lopez!! Its shows the love they have for each other in this pic.
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