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It's a .....................

you may remember this post from a few weeks back. Well today I got the FANTASTIC news that Cole is going to have a little...


It's a GIRL!
To say I am excited would be an understatement!! I wanted Jaime to have a girl so bad. She's a total girly girl, she's really good at hair, and well she just deserves to have a little girl to love and pamper! Jaime and I had both our boys within 6 weeks of each other and now our girls will be only a year apart in age. How fun is that?!?! 
Josh & Jaime have decided to keep her name a secret until she's born which is already driving me crazy. I mean, I may or may not have spent half the night trying to guess the name! ;) 

Josh & Jaime: I am so excited to raise our girls together. I feel very blessed for our friendship. I already cannot wait to photograph your beautiful little girl. Josh, you're going to be an amazing father to a little girl and Jaime, well get ready for lots of clothes from my Elle Bell! I love you both and I'm just so happy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that as the, "Nana" to this new little girl we are going to be welcoming in September, I AM SO-O EXCITED for the entire Josh, Jaime & Cole family!!! Now for her name??? Doesn't really matter...I will love her to pieces!!!