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Sorry I've been behind on posting...

I been lagging on posting lately but as promised I swear I'd give you a good reason!
This reason is soooo good infact that I thought I would have Seth tell you...
So from me (and Seth) to all of you... a letter in pictures.


See, told you it was a good excuse!
I was feeling VERY tired lately and just all around not so good... so I took a test and wouldn't you know it, I'm knocked up! Ha!

Matt and I are very excited!
I'm still very early but I just couldn't wait any longer (I'm a blabber mouth that way).
Approx due date is July 1st, just a few weeks before Seth's Birthday...
So we will have two kiddos, two years apart! FUN FUN.
I'll keep more posts coming as I progress so enjoy and check back later! : )

LL & Baby # 2, oh and Seth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, that is the cutest way to spill the beans. Congratulations!!!!!