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"Your my best friend Copper..."

Last night I was at a wine tasting dinner with a bunch of ladies from work... At one point during the evening some of the ladies toasted... "Here's to being single. Here's to divorce!" I raised my glass to toast with them not knowing what they had just said... I was quickly informed of why they were toasting and lowered my glass. However moments later I raised my glass to make a toast "Here's to being married to your BEST FRIEND"
The women accross form me (Who had just toasted to divorce) said "I'll toast to that! Cheers for her being married to her best friend" She winked and smiled and said "your good to go!"

Matt and I always have always said the phrase from Fox and the Hound...
"Your my best friend Copper" "and you mine too Todd"

I simle every time I realize that I get to spend the rest of my life hanging out with my best friend!
I love you Matt.

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