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Goodbye to Diet Coke...

Ok it's offical... I have quit drinking diet coke.

When: September 10, 2006 @ approx 12:52 pm

Where: Big bear Lake, Ca @ the Backyard BBQ

Why: I've decided that it has to much power over my life (once again) and I'm not ok with a bevarage ruling over me.

How: I didn't really no at the time that I was going to quit, and to be honest had I, I might have comotosed on as much diet coke that my body could possibly handle.
-I wanted one so bad yesterday that I was willing to do just about anything! I would have given all the money in the world, my right arm, or left leg, and any other thing that I could think of to get a fountain diet coke...
...That was when it hit me that this stupid, calorieless, sugarless, black colored, acapertaine filled beverage was a ruler over me... Now don't get me wrong, I gave up Diet coke before for long periods of time so I'm not suggesting that it controls me, however I am suggesting that once in a while I have to remind myself that I CONTROL ME!!! Not a cold, wet, ice chilled, foam on top, straight out of the machine, perfect blend of carbaination and flavor, delicious beverage...
(Long Sigh) Oh dear God what have I done.


NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I've already promised my first child in payment for a Diet Coke when I was in Brazil. I know how you feel Lac...you are a much stronger woman than I am. There's not a chance in hell I'm giving up Diet Coke.

Cathi said...
