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bad parent day...

Ever just have one of those days where you feel like a bad parent? moments where your patience is running so thin you think you're going to lose it at any moment? I'm having one of those days!

A day where I had to say sorry to my 3 year old for being "mean", and a day where already (at only 10:00am) I've put him on too many time-outs. 

A day where this little girl face looks like this because she just wants my attention, and I'll I 
want is some sleep, and a pedicure. (I know, bad parent!)

I'm just having a "I need a me moment" and while I was caught up in all my selfishness I look over from my desk and I see this happening...

Ahhh man!!! Really?!?!?! And now I just feel like a big jerk for not giving her the love she's now giving her baby!

It was such a sweet moment, and it just completely washed away all my "me"-ness I was consumed in.
I mean I still really want a pedicure and I would love to get some sleep right now but, really... I would trade a thousand pedicures and a million hours of sleep for one second spent doing this with her!

Thank you sweet girl for reminding me (once again) that I need to soak up this time! 
Thank you for making me want to be a better parent!

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