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I got tagged...

I have been tagged...

Finish the Sentence...

I don't know... why I can't get myself to work today
I talk... way to much!
I love... my family, and my friends!
My best friend... made me do this, and for that I love her, because it has manged to get me off track again at work.
My first real kiss... was my last "first" kiss (Well at least the first "REAL" kiss, I don't count the other ones)
I hate it when people... talk down to you
Love is... wonderful and fun.
Marriage is... amazing when your married to your best friend
Somewhere, someone is thinking... "why do I feel so lost, what's wrong with me?"
I'll always... look for mullets!
The last time I cried was because... I was staring into the eyes of a miracle.
My cell phone... is great but a little to big.
When I wake up in the morning... take my tempture, and see if the bunnies are out front.
Before I go to sleep at night... drink water, kiss Matt and we say a prayer.
Right now I am thinking about... lunch at Chili's.
Babies are... Amazing miracle's from God and one day will have some.
Today I... not able to get to work!
Tonight I will... cuddle with Matt and try and get some sleep
Tomorrow I will... ride my dirtbike!
I really want... for this work day to be over.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Oh hey I have an idea...write a new blog.